The Spain Journal

VOX stays alone in the Provincial Council defending the free masks

The last plenary session of the Provincial Council had two motions presented by the Provincial Group of VOX. Both motions were rejected despite asking for free masks in one and support for women on the occasion of the International Day against violence against women.

The motion to ask the regional government, competent in Health in our province, to provide masks to those who need them for free was opposed by all groups. The provincial deputy of VOX, Iván Sánchez has reminded the PSOE that “If your party asked for it in the Andalusian Parliament, why isn't it doing it here? Or is it very easy to shoot with other people's powder? There are people who have to choose between paying for heating, buying a liter of milk or buying masks. There are more than With more than 1,500 families, those served by Cáritas in Guadalajara this year, triple the number in 2019 ”. And it is that in June of this year the Regional Group of the PSOE in Andalusia urged the government of its community to provide free masks to all Andalusians. In the refusal, the rest of the groups with representation in the provincial institution PP, Ciudadanos and Unidas Podemos joined the PSOE.

The second of the motions, in defense of women, which was born with the aim of being supported by all groups, was rejected by PSOE and United We Can. Even the second vice president of the provincial institution, the socialist Rubén García, asked to "isolate" VOX. The spokesman Sánchez reproached the PSOE for his little desire to negotiate this motion, recalling that “I sent this motion to all the groups and we were open to negotiate, the popular groups and citizens who have sat with me have seen it, I was completely open to negotiate. You are the sectarians who have not wanted to negotiate. He would have been willing to reach a consensus, and you have not wanted to, so let him look at it. Since they have the majority, it is very easy to apply the roller and say let's leave them isolated, how democratic they are ”.

During the defense of the motion, Iván Sánchez insisted that “The Day against violence against women is celebrated, and that violence does not matter where it comes from. We do not agree with criminalizing man and turning this day into a gender struggle. Violence is violence, wherever it comes from, and whoever it is directed to ".

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