This Thursday an extraordinary plenary session was held at the Guadalajara Provincial Council. A motion has been presented for the implementation of concrete actions to claim an essential public service for many residents of the towns of Guadalajara.
The spokesperson for the provincial VOX group Ivan Sanchez has assured that “We decreed curfews in which we all have to be at 11 or 12 at home like Cinderella, we forced to close all businesses imposing capacity restrictions because they are private businesses and, oh paradoxes of life! On trains and buses, public transport, have you seen that it is forced to restrict the capacity to safeguard the health of long-suffering users by expanding, as it should be, the frequency and number of services offered? On the contrary, the government cuts them."
"We will always support any initiative that defends the continuity of public transport services as the backbone of the province and its mobility and interprovincial connection, especially here where a part of the population lives in small scattered centers" pointed from VOX your spokesperson. He then finished his presentation by remarking that “After more than six months of contempt for Guadalajara by the Ministry of Transport, do you really believe that with this new proposal, another one since June, something will be achieved? "
The PSOE government team has voted against, although the motion has been approved with the support of VOX and the rest of groups with representation in the provincial institution.
Yes to mobile libraries
On the morning of this Thursday VOX has voted in favor of renewing the agreement with the regional government to defray the expenses of the bibliobus service in towns of the province during the year 2020. "We will always position ourselves in favor of the promotion of culture, culture with a capital letter, that of truth and more in these times in which Minister Celaá penalizes the culture of effort and work by allowing students to pass the course without limit of failures " the deputy recalled.
“I would only ask you to make an effort and also access the municipalities with less than 300 inhabitants, please. I ask you not to discriminate against them anymore" is over Ivan Sanchez.