The Spain Journal

Vox warns that the hoteliers are at the limit and proposes the suspension of the contribution to the self-employed in the sector

The hospitality industry, after a month without activity by the State of Alarm, is at the limit and that is why the Vox Group in Congress asks the Executive of Pedro Sánchez if he will adopt measures to help the self-employed in this sector. The deputy of Vox for Ceuta, Teresa López, is one of the deputies who has registered this inquiry addressed to the Government to find out if it has considered approving the total suspension of the contribution of the self-employed in the hospitality sector, which in the autonomous city It has a special incidence.

In the explanatory memorandum to this question, Vox highlights how hoteliers fear that their turnover will fall between 30% and 40% in 2020 due to the Covid-19, while 63% have difficulties with the aid launched by the Government. . Vox points out how the vast majority of the sector is made up of self-employed workers and small businesses and that the situation “becomes even more difficult if it is taken into account that 75.03% of these self-employed workers who temporarily ceased activity took up an ERTE, 8.61% to ICO lines of financing, and 3.88% were forced to advance their vacations ”.

"The data also shows that 58.96% will have to make a staff readjustment when activity resumes," says Vox to recall that it has been "more than a month that many establishments have been without income and with certainty. that they will be among the last to return to normal ”. In addition, the training emphasizes that the hospitality industry is a sector "with little liquidity, which is why it is estimated that 50% of catering businesses could last only about a month, assuming fixed costs without resorting to financing."

Faced with this situation, Vox asks the Government of the Nation if it plans to approve the total suspension of the contribution of self-employed in the hospitality sector and if it plans to adopt measures so that said sector has more facilities in terms of hiring.

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