The Spain Journal

15th Minotaur Award ceremony

This September 9 at 12 noon the XV Minotauro Award is held at the MNAC in Barcelona. During the ceremony, it will be revealed which of the 4 finalists wins the statuette: The eye of god (Science fiction), Memory of the blue girl (fantasy), Symbiosis (science fiction) and Growing fears (Terror).

The contest is one of the outstanding events of Ediciones Minotauro since 2004 and has become a cultural catalyst for Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror literature in Spanish. It should be noted that this edition coincides with the 20th anniversary of the incorporation of the historic seal to Grupo Planeta. For this reason, Jesús Badenes, General Director of the Planeta Library Division, will be in charge of opening the delivery gala. Follow her live on Twitter and Youtube of Minotauro and Planetadelibros.

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