The Spain Journal

Virtual Empty Shells Reading Club

The National Dramatic Center (CDN) and the Library Network of the Cervantes Institute have organized in the month of June a virtual club reading Empty shells that will have the participation of the authors of the play, the playwrights and stage directors Magda Labarga Y Laila Ripoll.

The calendar of the main phases that make up the club are the following:

  • Duration of the reading: June 3 to June 28.
  • Online reading period: June 3 to 13.
  • Reading activity: June 14 to 28.
  • Chat (meeting of the readers with the authors): June 27th.
  • Ending: June 28th.

Empty shells arose from the encounter of Laila Ripoll Y Magda Labarga in the workshop «From the unexpected place» of the festival «A different look» of the CDN. The work is a network of stories woven with testimonies from the «Operation T4», codename that the Nazis gave to their euthanasia program aimed at eliminating people with disabilities, whom they considered unworthy lives to be lived, empty shells, and whose first victims were children. The castle of Hartheim It was one of the places where this operation took place. Six people tell us about their lives. Six people who would have been killed in the castle of Hartheim they tell us about him

The virtual reading club is framed in the last edition of the festival «A different look. Challenge 2019 ». It is also the result of the collaboration that the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM) and the ICervantes Institute maintained since 2016. Thanks to her all the books of the National Dramatic Center They are also available for loan in electronic format in the Electronic Library of the Cervantes Institute.

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