The CEOE Foundation and the Sustainability Excellence Club They have signed a collaboration agreement in the promotion of joint actions aimed at promoting and disseminating the importance of sustainable business development in Spanish society in general and among business organizations and companies in particular. The firm has been in charge of the CEOE General Secretary, José Alberto González-Ruiz, and the Secretary General of the Club of Excellence in Sustainability, Juan Francisco Alfaro.
Among the actions that both entities will promote for this purpose, the dissemination of good business practices to promote sustainability stand out, especially those that contribute to the excellence of companies and the progress of society, as well as the organization of meetings, conferences, conferences and seminars, in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.
With the signing of this agreement, the CEOE Foundation and the Club of Excellence in Sustainability formalize their social commitment and their collaborative spirit in achieving their common corporate responsibility objectives.