The last plenary session of the Provincial Council has left an unusual scene by denying PSOE and Podemos support for a motion to support the gancheros municipalities of our province. Ciudadanos, a member of the government team together with the Socialists, opted for abstention. In this way, a motion that beyond public support and recognition included a point for the economic reactivation of the area does not go forward. For this, all the educational centers of our province were asked to visit and learn about the ganchera tradition, once the sanitary conditions allowed it.

“They have not wanted to vote in favor of this proposition simply for ideological and partisan reasons. So simple and so sad. This tribute was fair, not to mention the tourism that is going to be lost in the area " has secured the spokesperson for the Provincial Group of VOX in the Provincial Council Ivan Sanchez. From the socialist group they have explained that they have spoken with the mayors of the five municipalities referred to in the motion and have expressed to them that they "don't care" about the help and recognition. Precisely three of these municipalities are governed by the PSOE, one by the PP and the other by an independent one. “The PSOE has shown how little it cares to help the municipalities that need it most. Both the government of the Diputación and its mayors in the area, have preferred to leave businesses in the Alto Tajo helpless in the face of the crisis that their elders in Castilla-La Mancha and Spain have generated, rather than supporting a VOX motion that was aseptic and only I was looking for the common good of all Guadalajareños ”, Iván Sánchez concluded.

Hospitality support

VOX has voted in favor of approve aid in support of the hoteliers of the province. "VOX will always promote any measure of economic and social support in favor of the hotel industry so severely punished by the pandemic ”, explained the VOX deputy, who also recalled that “Even in many small municipalities in our most unpopulated regions, the village bar is the unifying and socializing element for coexistence among the few inhabitants of the same.”.

It has also been voted Please defend the constitutional and democratic order in a motion in which PSOE and Podemos voted against preventing it from going ahead. Iván Sánchez has reminded them in the same way that “once again the socialists demonstrate how little they want the constitutional order by voting against, demonstrating that since the arrival of the Podemos communists to the institutions, they have tried to accustom the rest to their lack of respect”.

Regarding the grants approved for help some city councils of the province in cleaning public educational centers the VOX spokesperson in the provincial institution has stated that “With these grants, many municipalities are left behind, it is a priority to take the contagion prevention measures that are necessary in all our schools and not just in a few. And more so in Guadalajara in which the depopulation of a part of our province and its null access to new digital platforms and the internet, prevent us from being able to give and receive classes electronically ".

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