La portavoz de Derechos Sociales del GPP, Alicia Rodríguez

• The GPP spokesperson for Social Rights urges the Government to reinforce Social Services with a non-reimbursable fund for City Councils, plus an Action Plan linked to employment to protect the most vulnerable: “The worst is yet to come, and will reach the Social services"

• “The PP is concerned about the 4,000,000 workers subject to an ERTE, that 900,000 of them continue without receiving the benefit, the loss of 800,000 members of Social Security and the million new unemployed. If ERTEs become EREs, it is probably a reality that, before the end of the year, Social Services serve 10 million people ”

• Recriminates Sánchez for having 'requisitioned' 2.4 billion from the Autonomous Communities, and urges the Executive to turn to "strengthen" municipal social services in coordination with the autonomies, because "the municipalities are the door of attention to citizens"

• It again demands that Social Services be declared as "essential services" for their role during the pandemic, highlights the idea of ​​the reference professional for "personalized attention" and the need to coordinate the different systems (employment, social services and sanitary)

• He warns of the contradictory figures on the Minimum Vital Income offered by the Executive, ranging from more than a million initial beneficiaries to 850,000 now: "I am concerned that 250,000 families have been left out"

• It proposes to take "a step" forward so that care in the environment also thinks of rural Spain, activating all the resources of the system "so that the person receives care where they want to live"

• Regrets the death of almost 19,000 people in residences during the pandemic: “Things have been done very badly. The single command has failed, it did not anticipate the situation and when it had to protect the health personnel and our elders they did it wrong, with failed purchases and that they were late. A disastrous management ”

• It is "inconceivable" that this year 16,000 people have died waiting to receive aid to the Unit, and that there are 265,000 people on the waiting list

Source of new