La portavoz del GPP en el Congreso de los Diputados, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo

A group of deputies, partners and allies of the Government, yesterday gave a shameful spectacle, attacking S.M. the king. They are false Republicans who want to break our political community. Classic republicanism defends freedom, equality and fraternity. Who best embodies those values ​​of republicanism today is S. M. the King and the 1978 Constitution.

We will file a complaint against Torra. The Statute of Catalonia establishes that to be president of the Generalitat one must be elected among the members of the Parliament. You have to be a deputy. The JEC has said that Torra is not and the Supreme has ratified it. Torra is no longer president.

Catalan nationalism, which so vehemently claims its autonomy, does not fulfill its own Statute. Mr. Torra's operation against legality and common sense is being endorsed by the Government. As what will the president of the Government meet with Torra, with a criminal on foot ?.

The process of defying legality and twisting concepts to submit them to political will has taken over the central Spanish institutions. The socialist path to secession has been inaugurated through legal changes contrary to the constitutional spirit.

Catalonia is divided into two and that process of division is taking the whole of Spain. The left-right axis has been replaced by the axis between those who defend liberal democracy and reactionary movements that claim identity against freedom, equality and fraternity. The most worrying thing is that the PSOE has decided to fall for this pending, identity and reactionary, of the nationalists.

Peace is the law and the law is peace. To live peacefully in plural political communities like ours, the rule of law is absolutely fundamental. The Government's idea of ​​dejudicializing politics is contrary to the democratic State. What is fundamental at the moment is the protection of the rule of law and the depoliticization of Justice against the brazen rush of the Executive Power over the judicial field.

We have a government that is against the rule of law and openly boasts. The PP today has to be more State than the Government.

The PP will exercise its leadership of the opposition in defense of the law, the rule of law, and the rights of all. No person, no matter how powerful, can be above the Law. The Law protects us all.

Today we have known some really disturbing unemployment data. Sanchez meets once again his worst forecasts. The fall of about 250,000 Social Security affiliates in January, the worst since 2013, and 90,000 new unemployed, the worst since 2014, are due to their inaction, indolence, incompetence and disability. We must defend the interests of the Spaniards.

I have always defended the regrouping of constitutionalism. And the PP has raised and defended it during the last electoral appointments. It could not be and now we have a new opportunity. This operation must be done globally: there is an exceptional situation in the whole of Spain.

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