05-25-2020 | Cs

The deputy spokesman for Cs in Congress requires the Executive to offer "certainty to a sector as relevant to the Spanish economy as it is tourism"

"We will be vigilant with the Government so that it complies with the agreed social and economic measures," warned the deputy spokesman for Cs in Congress, Edmundo Bal, in a telematic press conference. "We voted in favor of the extension of the state of alarm because we believe that it is absolutely necessary, as well as these measures that we took from the Government to protect the citizenry," he defended.

"This Wednesday the Royal Decree Law 18/2020 will be voted in the plenary session of Congress, which formally produces the decoupling of the ERTE from the formal declaration of the state of alarm," Bal explained in relation to the commitments demanded from the Government. In this sense, the member of the Permanent Committee of the liberal formation has recalled other agreements that Citizens have taken from the Executive, such as "the duration of 15 days of the extension of the state of alarm, the authorization of Congress during the month of July, the streamlining the payment of unemployment benefits and ERTE or the moratorium of one more month in the payment of the main taxes ”. This last measure "will mean an oxygen balloon for the self-employed, SMEs, workers and families" so "we ask that it be implemented as soon as possible in the next Councils of Ministers, since it is easy to implement and only depends on their political will "He added.

Bal has asked the Executive to "look at Cs as a state party that makes useful politics and not on the partners that support the Frankenstein Government, which only put issues of a political nature on the table that have nothing to do with the struggle against the pandemic. "

In another order, the deputy spokesman for the orange formation in the Lower House has demanded "certainty for the tourism sector" as it is "very relevant to the Spanish economy." "You cannot act unilaterally or adopt irresponsible measures," he claimed, referring to the statements by the Minister of Consumer Affairs and the forced quarantine of people traveling to Spain. "These things are done with consensus, dialogue and negotiation with the opposition and also with European countries," he asserted.

Finally, Bal has announced that they will request the appearance in Congress of the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, to explain "what have been the real reasons for which the head of the Civil Guard in Madrid has been dismissed."

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