The Deputy Secretary for Organization accuses the Executive of falsifying the data of the hospitalized that double the number that Sánchez counts: "the natural habitat of the Government is lies and inaction"
He criticizes that the Prime Minister boasts of effective work when there are 7 million Spaniards unemployed and warns that the PP is not going to sit idly by in this situation because "the forecasts can be turned around."
He rejects Sánchez's "complicit silence" in the face of Pablo Iglesias' attacks on the Monarchy and stresses that the PP will always be in defense of the Crown and the Constitution.
He demands that Sánchez not put his hand in the box of the money saved by the municipalities because "it is citizens' money that cannot be expropriated" and recalls that the PP will appeal to the TC the invasion of local autonomy.
He urges the Government "not to look the other way" in the face of the repeated leaks of irregular immigrants in quarantine due to coronavirus, and demands that it adopt the effective measures proposed by the PP in Congress to reinforce the police force in field hospitals.
Influence the plan Let's activate Spain of the PP that includes economic measures, lowering of taxes, certainty to the companies and a pact of health and legal State.