Pablo Casado en las jornadas Activemos España en Europa

It advocates applying five points that go through a tax reform with lower taxes, a flexible labor market, less bureaucratic burdens, defense of training and competitiveness

He trusts that a "good agreement" will be reached for Spain and regrets that our country has reached the European summit "without homework done", with an increase in the deficit, wastefulness with electoral decrees and threats of repeal of reforms

He criticizes the "bad socialist policies" that have been applied in Spain in the last two years in which there has been a breach of the deficit and of the forecasts

Remember that in Europe "solvency and credibility are very heavy" and recommends the Government of Spain to allow itself to be helped on future occasions because the Popular Party is very influential in Europe

He claims that statements such as those of the Vice President of the Government against frugal countries or pointing to Ireland as a tax haven have not helped Spain

Appreciates the solidarity and efforts that the member states and the European Commission are making to alleviate the ravages of the pandemic

Stresses that the reconstruction program was proposed by Úrsula von der Leyen and Angela Merkel, both members of the European People's Party

It advocates continuing the path of the countries in our environment that are lowering taxes instead of threatening increases that can deter job creators and foreign investment

Bet on the labor reform, to apply a flat rate for the self-employed, for the approval of an entrepreneurial law that allows to create a company in 5 days and to slim down the Administration even more

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