Holders of their intervention during a public event:

  • Casado affirms that Spain does not endure a crisis with the Socialists in front, in such a way that it emphasizes: "we must throw them out of the Government so that the crisis does not wreak havoc again."
  • Stresses that Sanchez does not care what happens with unemployment and does the same as Zapatero, denies the figures, a hoax that cost us 3 million unemployed, the emigration of young people, the freezing of pensions, the bankruptcy of health , energy and administrations.
  • Casado affirms that Sánchez, who has lost four investiture, is synonymous with blockade, and has led us to a permanent one, "because when he has been there has been a blockade and when he has been thrown out, there has been a government."
  • The president of the PP denounces that Sanchez "does not agree with anyone and wants to govern alone or badly accompanied by those who want to break Spain."
  • He believes that he should be disabled to preside over the Government who denies the existence of the Spanish nation and does not deserve to win these elections who does not believe in it.
  • He commended the success of a coalition, such as those who have been able to form the PP with Foro Asturias or UPN, sharing programs, candidacies and teams; So he values ​​that the important thing now is to bring together the exchange vote in the acronyms that unite and that can win the PSOE.
  • He appeals to the useful, urgent and united vote, vindicating a shared project, so he asks the Spaniards to join us around these acronyms to keep Spain united.
  • He denounces that Sanchez acknowledged in the debate that he wants to reconnect with separatists; something he asked up to 5 times and was unable to answer, "there are thunderous silences and he accused himself when he looked down."
  • He reiterates that it cannot be seen as normal for a panda of violent aggressors to impose fear and pretend bunkerizar to the Royal Family, as happened yesterday in Barcelona, ​​so he urges Sanchez to apply the National Security Law, as well as commits to withdraw the command of the mossos to Torra the same 11-N if the PP wins the elections.
  • It affects that only the PP knows how to face the separatists with the necessary firmness and legality, because it is urgent to recover the harmony and coexistence in Catalonia.
  • It commits itself in Asturias with the electro-intensive industry and regrets that there is no government that negotiates and defends the permanence of companies such as Alcoa, in Aviles; He regrets that they throw thousands of families in Asturias and the rest of Spain, so he promises a statute of the electro-intensive and that the price of electricity is competitive.

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