Holders of his speech:
• "You have had our support to save lives but you will not have our complicity to ruin Spain for the third time"
• Criticizes Sánchez acting in the same way as Zapatero and moving from "green shoots to the asymmetric V, of the Champions League, to the high-end of success and Plan E, to the social shield". "Same propaganda in Spain, same lies in Europe", incide
• He claims Plan B of the PP, “which Sánchez does not find”, to reactivate Spain with more liquidity and reduction of fiscal, labor and bureaucratic costs • He denounces that the President of the Executive “pretends that those he puts in a sanitary cord, let's come here to spread his ermine cloak one more month ”
• He regrets that Pedro Sánchez continues with "its variable geometry" that led him yesterday to try in Badalona a pact with the CUP, Esquerra JxCat • Urges the president to say if he is going to ask for the ransom, how much it would cost and what economic prospects the government has
• It requires Sánchez to replace the state of alarm "once and for all" with basic legislation "as advised by the EU and has already assumed most of its states"
• Asks Sánchez that instead of boasting to pay and “late”, 5 million unemployment benefits, he should worry about recovering employment to avoid social cuts like the ones he voted in Congress 10 years ago
• Commitment to deconfining the population by risk groups, with mandatory face masks, massive tests, infection tracking and a health fingerprint
• It has an impact on strengthening the SNS and for this it proposes a “Cajal” State pact for health, research and care for the elderly
• Complaint that the Executive considered the shock plan that the PP presented on March 9 to be “insignificant and transitory”. "I do not know if it seems insignificant to them that there are 27,000 deaths and transitory destruction of 10% of the national economy, and of 5 million jobs," he points out.
• He reminds Sánchez that, with his vote, he supported "the biggest attack on the Welfare State in our history" when the Zapatero government cut 15,000 million in pensions, salaries of officials, dependency benefits and maternity aid.
• Remarks that it was also a socialist government that modified the law to speed up evictions and make employment more precarious, "after many months hiding data and deceiving the Spanish"
• Criticizes the Executive requesting another Marshall Plan and reminds him that the one 75 years ago was to contain communism in Europe, not to sponsor it, as his vice president asked in the Financial Times