The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism launches a new aid program aimed at promoting the generation of scientific knowledge applied to tourism and, especially, at the search for solutions to the main environmental, economic and technological challenges faced by the tourist destinations in Spain, in order to improve their competitive capacity and long-term resilience.
"The tourism sector is immersed in a profound transformation process that is developing at high speed and on a global scale, marked by two clear trends: digitization and ecological transition. To continue offering a proposal that distinguishes us from our competitors, Spain must have the best research that allows the development of new capacities aimed at the great present and future challenges ”, has valued the Secretary of State for Tourism, Fernando Valdés.
As part of the modernization and competitiveness plan for the tourism sector that incorporates the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of the Government of Spain, an aid program has been included for non-profit research and knowledge dissemination organizations. have tax residence or have a permanent establishment in Spain.
Aid between 20,000 and 150,000 euros
The Official State Gazette today published the order of bases that regulates this call. The grants will be awarded to the knowledge center, with a maximum intensity of 100% of the fundable budget. The grants will be of a minimum of 20,000 euros and a maximum of 150,000 euros, provided that the projects are in the field of R&D and their destination does not directly imply an economic activity.
The proposals that are submitted to the call must pursue as their ultimate goal the digitization of tourist destinations and address some of the following challenges:
a] Recovery and resilience of the destination: crisis management, scenario simulation, early response strategies, regulation, regulations, protocols, labor market and working conditions, tourism company and competitive capacity, etc.
b] Sustainable, smart, connected and integrated mobility at the destination.
c] Climate change, adaptation and mitigation strategies and measures in the destination; carbon footprint, impact modeling, public and private strategies, etc.
d] Sustainability, ecological transition and circular economy in the destination.
e] Measurement, modeling and analysis of tourist activity in the destination: management of tourist flows, carrying capacity, overcrowding, economic impacts, development of indicators, predictive analysis, etc.
f] Product or process innovation in the destination: tourism innovation, new products and differential tourism experiences, new market segments, new business processes, etc.
g] Digitization: infrastructures and platforms, promotion and commercialization, interaction with the tourist in the destination, tourism without “friction”, information management, tourist intelligence and Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, digital twin, etc.
The term for the presentation of applications will be open one month from the publication of the extract of the summons order in the BOE. The Ministry makes the following mailbox available to interested parties to answer questions:
The order of bases corresponding to this call can be consulted in its entirety at the following link: