The PP senator demands that the Government "confinement decisions be made based on scientific criteria and statistically reliable data"
It states that "society is losing confidence in the Government and in the decisions it is taking because they are not based on scientific criteria"
The spokesperson for Economic Affairs of the Popular Group, Esther del Brío, said today that "science and health must be above Sánchez's political entanglements" and has demanded that the Government "confinement decisions be made based on scientific criteria and statistically reliable data ”. For this reason, the GPP has presented a motion, debated today in the Committee on Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, in which it urges the Executive to involve the National Institute of Statistics (INE) to give scientific rigor to the epidemiological data, of the CIS and the information of RTVE. Furthermore, it asks that the criteria for calculating the data not be continually changed and, if they do change, the data of the original series are always offered in parallel. During her speech, the PP senator from Salamanca denounced that the Sánchez Government, “instead of dedicating its efforts to solving the health crisis, focuses on manipulating the perception that society has of them. Society is losing confidence in the Government and in the decisions it is taking, because they are not based on scientific criteria ”.
Thus, Esther del Brío has highlighted that scientists and academics from around the world consider the data on deaths and infections by Covid provided by the Ministry of Health to be useless, and has pointed out that “the Spanish have already lost confidence in the results of the CIS and in the graphics provided by TVE, manipulated to hide the bad data from Spain ”. In this sense, the senator recalled the RTVE graph falsifying the data on the decline in GDP in Spain, or the one that showed Europe in red and Spain in yellow, to indicate that the country with the highest number of infections was Spain. "Sublime if it wasn't tremendously manipulative." Likewise, the spokesperson for Economic Affairs has criticized the Government for "admonishing and blaming society" in the second wave of the pandemic, "when it has been the Government itself that has frivolized with society and lied with the data" .
"Sánchez, who leads the rankings of poor health and economic management of the Covid, is happy and relaxed, because he does not care about reality, but rather the perception of reality that society has" and has reproached the Government for "hiding in manipulated data to hide a crisis that affects us all ”.
On the other hand, Esther del Brío has referred to the attacks on transparency and information and has assured that “the lack of democratic quality is observed in different ways, but we want to express explicitly the control of the CIS, the control of the RTVE, the closure of the Transparency Portal and the manipulation of statistical series ”. He has also criticized that the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation delays the publication of the synthesis of the advanced economic indicators, that the criteria for the elaboration of the CIS are modified, or that the series of deceased, infected, recovered and tests carried out are manipulated. "The ability of President Sánchez to openly recognize his lies and laugh at society is reaching surprising levels," he remarked.
Finally, the popular senator explained that the modification of the criteria in relation to epidemiological data by the Ministry of Health, “seeking to minimize the figures, has caused both epidemiologists and statistical experts to draw attention to the high risk that medical decisions for the management of the pandemic, as well as the decision-making on de-escalation, are being made based on false data, which calls into question the capacity of the health system and the Ministry itself to make adequate decisions.