Fundación CEOE and Fundación Acomarse will collaborate in the promotion of the circular economy and business sustainability

The signing of this agreement was carried out by José Alberto González-Ruiz, CEOE's secretary general and attorney-in-fact for the CEOE Foundation, and Miriam Tallada, president of Acomarse. Among the activities that they will carry out jointly, events to disseminate the activities of both organizations stand out, as well as the dissemination of good practices aimed at promoting social welfare and sustainability in the business environment, among others.

In her speech, the president of Acomarca thanked the CEOE "for their collaboration to spread the foundation's work among all companies, which will undoubtedly help to combat the worrying increase in poverty."

For his part, José Alberto González-Ruiz expressed his "satisfaction at collaborating with such a novel initiative that contributes to the circular economy, also benefiting the most vulnerable groups in society." González-Ruiz also highlighted "the important synergies derived from the collaboration between this innovative product bank and the Fundación CEOE's Empresas que Ayudan project".

With the signing of this agreement, Fundación CEOE and Acomarse formalize their social commitment and their collaborative spirit in the achievement of cooperation and sustainability projects.

About the CEOE Foundation

The CEOE Foundation is the Foundation of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations, which brings together more than 4,500 grassroots business organizations. Its main areas of action are social welfare, access to culture and training for employability. Most of its activities, plans, projects and programs are focused on them, in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

About the Acomarse Foundation

ACOMPARTIR is the bank of non-food staple products -constituted in 2013 and duly registered in the Foundations Registry of Foundations Registry of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality by order of the Ministry of Health-, whose mission and / or purpose The foundation consists of distributing essential products to social entities that serve people in social exclusion. Its activity has a triple impact: social (alleviating the situation in which a large number of people find themselves), economic (reducing the cost of storage / destruction of products added to the tax benefit of companies) and environmental (avoiding the destruction of tons of products). They currently collaborate with more than 370 NGOs and more than 100 donor companies.

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