He agrees with the words expressed by the King who "has said what many Spaniards think" and places Sánchez as the "only blocking element of Spanish democracy"

The general secretary of the Popular Party, Teodoro García Egea, has assured that the current dilemma and the blockade that Pedro Sánchez maintains after the failed investiture, not being able to gather enough support, could be resolved by promoting another candidacy for the Presidency of the Government or through a Popular-Citizens Party alliance, with the abstention of the constitutionalists and the PSOE.

In this way, the way to solve the dilemma, according to the secretary general, is to check if there is a candidate that arouses the confidence of the parliamentary arch, with which as it has been possible to verify, Pedro Sánchez does not count.


As stated by García Egea, the president of the acting Government, Pedro Sánchez "is the blocking element that Spanish democracy has", since it works on the one hand for the possible abstention of the constitutionalists and on the other in the search for Bildu's support – being the second time he does it – to govern in the Foral Community of Navarra.

In addition, he recalled that "the same Sanchez who now agrees with Bildu in Navarra threw in the face of Iglesias to agree with them." "How many times are we going to have to see Sanchez's contradictions, rectifications or lies to realize that it is not reliable?" He asked.

For this reason, as the PP secretary general said, "after all we have seen, with a PSOE from the hand of Bildu where the door opens, the PP cannot enter," so "the PSOE de Sánchez is not reliable and the PP cannot abstain for a second investiture. ”

Teodoro García Egea has agreed with the King that new elections do not agree, but stressed that "the problem is Pedro Sánchez, who fails to bring together a majority" and, while the rest of the leaders who attended the regional elections already have pacts or governments underway, he remains an element of democratic blockade. Hence, he has vindicated the “example” given by the center-right parties to Sánchez of how agreements are reached and the result is that many Spaniards who did not vote for the PP, now see this party as the only alternative to Sánchez .


After chairing the Autonomous Executive Committee of the PP of Cantabria, the secretary general has considered that the PRC has come to Congress to vote yes to Sanchez, while the only formation that is really defending the interests of this land is the PP.

Thus, "if Pedro Sánchez is invested president, there will be cuts for Cantabria and for all of Spain", so he has urged the regionalist president, Miguel Ángel Revilla, to reconsider his support for Sánchez.

Finally, after remembering how Rufián or Compromís have tried to “tertiate or moderate” between Podemos and the PSOE for the formation of Government, he has assured that Cantabria's budget cannot be in the hands of the ERC spokesperson.

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