Lieutenant Colonel Cristina Moreno will be the first woman to head the Guadalajara command

The lieutenant colonel will be in command of more than 550 troops and 33 barracks

Cristina Moreno was the first woman to access the Civil Guard officer scale and the first to obtain the job of Lieutenant Colonel

Lieutenant Colonel Cristina Moreno will take over the Command of the Civil Guard of Guadalajara, thus becoming the first woman to head this Command and the second to take charge of a Command of the Civil Guard, after taking office last April 5, Lieutenant Colonel Silvia Gil in Teruel.

Cristina Moreno obtained the job of lieutenant in 1998 after studying at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza and at the Academy of Civil Guard Officers in Aranjuez (Madrid). His first destination was the main post of Oleiros (A Coruña). Later she was assigned to the Judicial Police Headquarters and later to the Criminalistics Service. After being promoted to captain, he was in the Center for Improvement in Madrid, and already as a commander, in the Guadalajara Command itself, where he remained for 5 years with that job. After being promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, she was at the Teaching Headquarters and in her last stage, she has been assigned to the Coordination and Studies Office of the Secretary of State for Security.

The lieutenant colonel is in possession of the Cross of Military Merit with a white badge, the Cross of Police Merit with a white badge and the Silver Cross of the Order of Merit of the Civil Guard, among other decorations.


Lieutenant Colonel Cristina Moreno will be in command of more than 550 Civil Guard agents deployed in 33 barracks, four companies, a main post and 32 ordinary posts that ensure the comprehensive security of 287 municipalities. Among the specialties of the body that have units in this command are Citizen Security, Judicial Police, the Nature Protection Service (SEPRONA) and Traffic.

For more information, you can contact the Press Office of the Civil Guard, telephone 915 146 010.


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