Castellón 23 November 2020

Massó has assured that the first thing that Santiago Abascal's formation is going to do is present a appeal against this law before the Constitutional Court and in the Valencian Courts VOX has already registered a Non-Law Proposition (PNL) against the Celaá Law.

"This educational law is nothing more than an accumulation of nonsense, a cut in freedoms as we have never seen before. It cuts the freedom of parents to choose a center, it is an attack on special education and it also goes against Spanish, although here, in the Valencian Community, as the Minister of Education, Vicent Marzà, recognizes, we will not notice any difference, since years ago, unfortunately, Spanish has disappeared from the classrooms”.

Massó has stressed that education is the social elevator for those who have no possibilities, for that reason, he explained, the left “wants to destroy private education, equalize everyone below, abandon excellence and effort; wants to destroy public education to have malleable citizens and be they, its elites, who can access quality education”.

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