The Commissioner for Health and Consumers of the European Union, Stella Kyriakides, has confirmed in a letter addressed to Mazaly Aguilar, VOX MEP and Vice-President of the Committee on Agriculture of the European Parliament, the new strategy of the Commission in relation to animal welfare.

The European Commission is ready for a thorough review of animal welfare regulations and announces within the framework of the Farm to Table Strategy new studies on animal welfare on farms, labeling and animal transport.

Mazaly Aguilar has conveyed to Commissioner Kyriakides the concern of Spanish farmers over the proliferation of new and costly regulations on animal welfare that will condition the economic viability of many livestock farms in Spain. Mazaly has pointed out «animal welfare cannot serve as an excuse for the European Commission to impose its green ideology without assessing the economic and social impact of its measures«.

Vox in Europe will continue to demand recognition for the extraordinary work carried out by farmers and ranchers. We bet on more science and less ideology at a critical time for Europe immersed in the dramatic effects of the pandemic.

Letter from Commissioner Kyriakides to Mazaly Aguilar:

Kiriakides Animal Welfare Charter

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