- He criticizes that Sánchez will not close the door to agree with the independentistas and that, when asked by Casado, "he will not answer and look down". "Therefore, the headline is very clear: Sanchez does not rule out those agreements, leaves the door open to agree with the separatists after the generals," he emphasizes
- He assures that the unemployment data published today demonstrate Sánchez's economic “suspense” because, since he is in the Government, about 15,000 Spaniards have lost their jobs
- “That is the cotton test,” says Montesinos, referring to Sánchez refusing to match the electoral debate with unemployment figures. "The data is so devastating and makes it so clear that he has not done his homework, that the debate would have lost him with those figures on the table," he adds.
- Stresses that "there is a solution" if the votes are concentrated around the PP, from the "paralysis and blockade" to the "reformist momentum" proposed by Pablo Casado, whose priority is the creation of employment and "move away the clouds" in matters economical
- He shows his regret for the images that were seen yesterday in Catalonia and regrets that the Government is not "up to the task"
- “From the PP, a government and serious party, we tell Sánchez that it is his obligation to guarantee freedom and security in Catalonia. If he does not, we will do it when we win the elections. We will regain harmony ”
- Transfer to the center-right voter and the dissatisfied socialists that “the PP is his home, that together we are stronger and that the next 10N we will be able to teach Sanchez the exit door of La Moncloa, get underway and implement the reforms that need the country and recover the direction of Spain