This Friday the Subdelegation of the Government in Guadalajara has denied authorization for the march organized by VOX in Guadalajara for next October 12. A named appointment From flag to flag who wants to tour our capital under the motto "Spain always. In defense of Hispanidad ". The march will circulate from the Plaza de España to the roundabout of the Victims of Terrorism, and will go through the streets of the provincial capital through Calle Mayor and Paseo de Fernández Iparraguirre to the roundabout located at the confluence of Cifuentes and Constitución streets with the Castilla avenue. A manifesto will be read there.
He President of VOX Guadalajara Josué Martín has assured that "The demonstration was going to take place with all the security measures and the necessary social distancing." For VOX Guadalajara "It is no more than an excuse to continue having all Guadalajareños encapsulated and imprisoned, restricting our freedom and curtailing our fundamental rights."
VOX Guadalajara has already presented an appeal to the C-LM Superior Court of Justice in Albacete, demanding the return of the right to free demonstration to all residents of our province. "We hope that justice will admit our claim and allow us to carry out the act in defense of our nation ”, says Josué Martín.