• Regrets that the mayor of Seville and the delegate of the Government in Andalusia "do not expose to the Government the reality of our streets and the demands of the police unions" and attributes the passivity of the socialist leaders "to the obsession with forced statistics"
  • Remember that "Seville doubles cities such as Zaragoza or Valencia in criminal offenses in crimes such as drug trafficking"

Seville, July 30, 2020. The national deputy of VOX for Seville, Reyes Romero, regretted that "the Government has resolved the deficit of agents of the National Police Force with a patch, solving the General Merit Contest by convening 140 places for the Superior Police Headquarters of Seville instead of 400 that it should summon to cover said deficit ”.

Reyes Romero, who presented a question in this regard to the Congress Table, together with the national deputy for Seville Francisco José Contreras, has received a response from the Government “from which it appears that there is no intention to resolve the deficit of National Police agents in the province of Seville that it should have a staff of 2341 agents, of which only 1900 are covered. ”

"We are before him umpteenth nonsense of the Government with respect to citizen security in the province of Seville, to which he does not pay due attention because neither the mayor of Seville, Juan Espadas, nor the delegate of the Government in Andalusia, Sandra García, exposes to the President of the Government the urgent need to cover the deficit of police officers in the province ”.

The also third vice president of VOX has asserted that "Espadas and García are more worried about the statistics that of the reality of our Police; they care little about what happens on the street, the continuous calls for attention from the police unions about the lack of agents and technical means and the increase in criminal activity on our streets, otherwise it is not understood that they have not claimed a urgent meeting with the interior minister so that the vacant positions are filled immediately ”.

Romero has pointed “to the high crime rates in Seville that they cannot mask the statistics forced by the Ministry of the Interior, because the reality is that Seville doubles cities of its size as Zaragoza or Valencia in criminal offenses, especially in crimes related to drug traffic, in house assaults and robberies ”.

"The Government recognizes that it does not know how many new police officers will join Seville in the coming years, nor the movement of personnel among the different staff. With his answer, he comes to give us a long changed to divert attention from what is a clear lack of political will to solve the problems of citizen security ", it is finished.

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