April 29, 2020
The deputy of VOX in the General Meeting of the Principality, Sara Álvarez Rouco, today criticized the decision of the regional government “to withdraw money from productive investments and withdraw the investment of essential infrastructure for Asturians to allocate it to health spending while refusing to reduce political spending and eliminate ideological subsidies to their beach bars to guarantee health and face the effects of the pandemic. "
In this sense, the deputy has described "as one more example of the drift of this headless government, the announcement of the Minister of Infrastructure, Juan Cofiño, to withdraw the investment in essential works such as the arrangement of dangerous roads, hiding in 'most urgent payments 'of health without thinking about ZALIAs, SOGEPSAs and GISPASAs ”.
"Faced with the waste of hundreds of thousands of euros in subsidies to public beach bars, friendly ideological entities and unproductive spending, VOX Asturias requires the Executive of Adrián Barbón courage and determination, that is, to maintain essential services such as health or education without getting into debt the future of Asturians ”, remarks Álvarez Rouco. And he recalls that the actions of the regional government are no more than a reflection of what is happening in the Asturian parliament and in Asturian politics, that "in the face of the proposal of the parliamentary group VOX in the General Meeting of the Principality of various measures to donate voluntarily subsidies and / or salaries of health deputies in this difficult situation, the vote against the majority of the Asturian parliamentary arch prevented it, which is a real shame and lack of social empathy, "concludes the deputy.
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