“What the government has to do is ask for forgiveness and leave. And you guys get to work. This is how forceful the VOX senator for Murcia has been today during the defense of the amendment to a Motion of the Confederal Left which, he said, "only wastes time" and, moreover, "leads nowhere".
The senator has demanded that the Confederal Left "stop asking Pedro Sánchez to say nice words in public" because "what the government has to do is apologize and leave." "And you get to work," he asserted.
Thus, he has invited the left to "join the complaints that VOX has filed for the criminal management of the Government in this pandemic." "Press for the Constitutional Court to resolve the two appeals filed by this formation on the two states of alarm, of concealed exception," he asked.
Marín has seen it useless to use a motion to ask the Government to make public its support for the professionals who are making decisions to adapt limited health resources in this pandemic situation. The useful thing, he explained, is for the Executive to increase by »20% the salary of the health workers who have fought the battle in the pandemic.
"False feminism"
For the senator, "the health workers would have appreciated more than words, prevention." «What the Government did and all the progressive consensus to organize demonstrations on March 8 was an action against the population, and against the health workers, who later had to fight for the infections that the Government had triggered that March 8 », has criticized. He has also accused the Confederal Left of encouraging such demonstrations, with its "false feminism."
«Your motion lacks content. But given the formations that make up the group that has presented it, we are not surprised. A pity that, with the salaries they receive in this chamber, they dedicate themselves to this, ”he demanded.