Social Security launches a free telephone line for inquiries about the Minimum Vital Income

The Minimum Life Income, which can be requested from June 15, involves a series of policies articulated around a benefit. Its objective is to reduce the level of poverty and exclusion and seeks to guarantee a real improvement of opportunities for social and labor inclusion of the beneficiaries.

It is estimated that this measure can reach 850,000 households, some 2.3 million people, whose average disposable income does not reach 310 euros per month.

In addition to using this telephone number, citizens can inform themselves about the Minimum Vital Income through the Social Security website and through the virtual advisor.

They also have a simulation tool, where they can check if they meet the requirements to access this benefit and what the amount would be, if it were met. In less than four days in operation, more than three million simulations have been carried out, exceeding 20 million interactions.

The Minimum Vital Income may be requested from June 15 through various channels: the Electronic Office of Social Security, with or without a digital certificate, the Social Security Information and Care Centers (CAISS), when the health situation allows them to be reopened, among others.

Performance and requirements

The Minimum Vital Income, which was approved last Friday in the Council of Ministers, establishes a different level of guaranteed income for each type of home. It will complete pre-existing income (among others, salary), up to that guaranteed threshold for each type of household, which, in the case of single-person households, is 5,538 euros per year, the equivalent of a non-contributory pension.

The first requirement to access the IMV will be that of economic vulnerability. You must also have requested the benefits and pensions to which you may be entitled.

There will be one owner per household, who must be between 23 and 65 years old, except in cases where there are dependent minors, where there will be no age requirement. If the applicant lives alone, they will have to prove that they have been living independently of their parents for three years and will have to have been registered in any of the Social Security regimes for at least twelve months.

A mother walking her childIf the applicants live integrated in a coexistence unit, it will have to be established for at least one year to the presentation of the application.

For all applicants, at least one uninterrupted year of legal and effective residence in Spain will be required, except in situations of gender violence, trafficking and sexual exploitation.

For the benefit to be recognized, the household must have a total income below the guaranteed income for its type of living unit. In addition, an estate (discounting the habitual residence) less than 3 times the annual guaranteed income for a one-person household will be required, with a scale of increases by number of members in the household.

For the recognition of the benefit, the income of the immediately previous year will be taken into account, although to address the vulnerability situations generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, it may also be recognized for applications made during 2020 taking into account the income situation of this year.

In the event that the holder is not employed, registration as a job seeker will be required for access to the benefit.

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