The Ministers of Agriculture of Spain and France, Luis Planas and Didier Guillaume, have held a working meeting at the headquarters of the Ministry, coinciding with the celebration of the day on Initiative 4 per 1000, in the COP25 framework that takes place in Madrid.
During the meeting, both ministers highlighted the importance of having a strong Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the next period, which guarantees food security in the European Union, the maintenance of competitive farms, and vitality and diversity rural territories.
To do this, they have highlighted the need to maintain the current CAP budget to EU27, both in the first pillar (direct aid) and second (rural development).
They have also reaffirmed their support for the environmental architecture proposed by the European Commission (EC), which will allow accompanying the transition of farms in the service of the fight against climate change and the preservation of resources. To this end, Spain and France consider it essential that budgetary ambition is in line with environmental ambition.
Similarly, a simplification of the application of the CAP for the farmer and the citizen has been requested.
On the other hand, the ministers have discussed the situation caused by the tariff sanctions imposed by the United States on various agrifood products of the European Union, by the contentious "Airbus", which affects both France and Spain.
In this regard, they have appealed to European solidarity to protect agricultural sectors that have been unfairly affected by this trade conflict. With this objective, both countries understand that the European Commission must mobilize all available measures to avoid disruption in the markets and to compensate for the losses of the economic agents. Ministers have agreed to request the inclusion of this item on the agenda of the next Council of Agriculture Ministers of the European Union on 16 and 17 December in Brussels, since, although they celebrate the efforts announced so far by the Commission on the subject of promotion, it is necessary to remember the need to mobilize additional compensatory measures.
Didier Guillaume has invited his Spanish counterpart to participate in the 60th anniversary of the Franco-Hispanic-Andorran health meeting, which will be held in Toulouse from June 24 to 26, 2020.