The Civil Guard detains and / or investigates more than 300 people for crimes against biodiversity

SEPRONA, with the support of the Cynological Service, has located over 1,200 prohibited hunting methods and nearly 180 poisoned animals over the past year.

During the inspections, explosives, firearms, silencers and drugs were also found.

Efforts are being joined once again before the problem of poaching, which generates multiple effects from significant economic losses to imbalances in ecosystems

The Civil Guard, within the framework of the Red Dot and Antitox IX operations, has detained and / or investigated over the past year a total of 337 people in relation to hunting crimes and crimes against fauna and flora.
After more than 900 inspections throughout the year 2020, in hunting farms, livestock farms and phytosanitary establishments, SEPRONA agents have detected more than 2,600 administrative infractions and 320 crimes. Among the corpses of the animals stands out an Iberian lynx, found at the bottom of a well and in whose necropsy remains of poison appeared in its body, black kites, red kites and buzzards among others.
Regarding crimes related to poaching, it has been possible to identify the perpetrators of killings of endangered species, African ungulates, among others, and numerous heads have been removed – big game trophies.

Poaching and poison

Hunting is currently a regulated activity. Poaching is considered a problem due to the multiple effects it generates, from significant economic losses to imbalances in ecosystems, in the case of indiscriminate actions of game species.
In Spain, the use of poison and non-selective means of capture has been traditional to combat animals whose presence can cause negative effects. It is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, due to its massive and non-selective nature. This conduct, like poaching, is classified as a crime in the Penal Code.

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Several people were arrested as alleged perpetrators of a crime against fauna for the death of two Iberian lynxes, one of them drowned and with the presence of poison inside, and another killed by a hunting shotgun.


Several decapitated deer heads and deer heads in sacks were found in an abandoned house. The investigation led to an inspection in a taxidermy room, in which more animal heads were found with traces of blood, whose comparison with the Criminalistics laboratory established a correspondence between all the samples, being able to arrest two people.


Three people who entered the Castillo de los Guardas Natural Reserve were investigated, killing species classified as endangered and more than 300 traps were located for irregular capture of birds. In this performance, more than 80 birds were released.


In operations aimed at preventing the poaching of hare with greyhounds, the existence of a clandestine kennel was detected. 83 dogs of different breeds were seized in poor hygienic sanitary conditions, for failure to comply with animal protection and welfare.


In different inspections, 2 kilos of potassium nitrate, carbines, ammonite explosive cartridges and numerous traps for large animals were found. One person was arrested for alleged crimes of possession and deposit of explosives.
During the Antitox operation, the SEPRONA agents have had the collaboration of the Cynological Service of the Civil Guard. Canine units are a key element in the fight against the use of poisoned baits.
This operation is part of the Spanish Action Plan against Illegal Traffic and International Poaching of Wild Species (PLAN TIFIES) and the LIFE GUARDIANES DE LA NATURALEZA Project.


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