The exhibition & # 039; From SiDa NoDa to Always Preservative. Three decades against HIV and AIDS & # 039; start a roaming through the autonomous communities

The Minister of Health has visited the exhibition, which was inaugurated on November 28 in the National Museum of Decorative Arts.

This is the first exhibition organized by the Ministry of Health to show citizens the different institutional campaigns that the Government of Spain has carried out over more than 30 years to make the HIV epidemic visible, prevent it and raise awareness about it.

Ministry of HealthWith this exhibition, the Ministry of Health has recovered in the last legislature an essential activity and that is foreseen in article 43 of the EC: the prevention of diseases, the promotion of health and the promotion of health education.

The bells Public health institutions have had an essential importance in addressing AIDS and HIV. Through the videos, posters and various materials of the different campaigns that the sample collects, you can observe the change in perception and knowledge of society regarding HIV and AIDS.

Thus, the first campaign that took place, SiDa NoDa (1988), showed society an unknown, contagious and deadly disease, from which the immense part of the population was unaware of its forms of infection.

The last campaign, #SiemprePreservativo, launched in June 2019, continues to promote the use of condoms to prevent the spread of HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Infections among the youngest population, after detecting a spike in the contagion of the latter, especially from gonorrhea.

Since 2010, rates of gonorrhea infection register a continuous increase. Between 2013 and 2017, there was an average annual increase of 26.3%. In 2017, it reached the highest rate, 78.1 per 100,000 inhabitants, in a population between 20 and 24 years old.

The Ministry of Health recalls with this initiative that prevention is as necessary as 40 years ago, when the first cases of HIV were detected. In 2018, 3,244 new cases of HIV were diagnosed in Spain. 85% of them in men.

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