Only VOX remains in support of the hospitality industry, a fundamental pillar on which most of the economy of our municipality is based. Likewise, many families also depend on small businesses and that is why from the VOX Municipal Group in the Murcia City Council we propose the immediate implementation of effective and non-cosmetic measures, as has been done so far, to help them get out of the suffocating situation in the one that hoteliers, merchants, SMEs and families find themselves because of the disastrous management of the pandemic by the Government.
For this reason, GM VOX presents two motions for debate in the plenary session tomorrow, Thursday, which are committed to the survival of both sectors, detecting problems and providing effective solutions.
Motion in support of the hospitality industry
In the motion dedicated to the support of the hospitality industry, the return of the fees charged to the city's hoteliers for terraces in 2020 and the IBI bonus are requested, among other measures, as well as the lifting of the restrictive measures adopted for this sector and an institutional campaign to support the hotel and catering establishments.
The GM VOX spokesperson in the Murcia City Council, José Ángel Antelo, has criticized that the Murcian hospitality industry has been expropriated of the right to work: “In this sector there is a suffocating and shameful reality in which they must continue to pay fees, public prices and taxes corresponding to this year 2020. Only VOX proposes to end these injustices".
Motion in support of small businesses
With regard to small retailers and local businesses, GM VOX requests in its motion the lifting of the latest restrictive measures that prevent this sector from working, the extension of the curfew until 12 at night or the extension of the Fiscal and extraordinary measures taken by the consistory extend to all of 2021.
The reduction of garbage rates is also requested and the organization of an open-air market is proposed from December 1 until the end of the Christmas holidays so that all the small businesses that so wish can display their products.
"If we don't help our merchants, the old town will die and little by little Murcia will become a lifeless city: if commerce dies, the city dies and we still have time to avoid it," Antelo commented.
From the GM VOX in the Murcia City Council we are committed to measures based on common sense, quite the opposite of the Government team, whose decisions are part of improvisation and ignorance of the real problems of the Spanish.