The opening of the Tarajal and Beni Enzar borders with Morocco continues to be unknown. Morocco extends it from month to month and some media have already pointed out that they will not open until next year and that it will be done with conditions imposed by the neighboring country. Meanwhile, the Government evasively answers the questions that VOX has addressed to find out how the activity will resume at the borders and what will be the protocol to control possible imported cases of Covid-19.

Both the VOX deputy for Ceuta, Teresa López, and the senator, Yolanda Merelo, have addressed the Executive of Pedro Sánchez to give an answer to how and when the border posts will be opened. In addition, the senator asked last July about why citizens of Maghreb origin destined for Morocco were being allowed to enter Ceuta if the borders were closed and what health action plans were in place if these people turned out to be carriers of Covid -19.

However, the Government obviates the situation that occurred in Ceuta this summer before Moroccan travelers who were blocked in the city due to the border closure and limits itself to replying to Merelo that Spain has applied the recommendation of the Council of the European Union on the principle of reciprocity to Morocco. In this way, the borders are closed until Morocco decides otherwise. And thus, the Executive indicates that “the Kingdom of Morocco has decided, for the time being, to keep its land, sea and air borders closed with Spain, with the exception of the possible repatriation of its nationals, or foreigners residing in the country, who tests would have been carried out not to carry the Covid-19 virus ".

Along the same lines, the Government of Sánchez answers López. Of course, in the response to the deputy they add that border posts will be opened "when the health situation allows it and in the appropriate conditions for the necessary conciliation of health security and the progressive lifting of border restrictions ”.

Moroccan conditions to open borders

Meanwhile, the reality is that Morocco is following its roadmap to suffocate the autonomous cities. The latest proof is collected by the newspaper ‘El Español’ which, on September 17, published an information under the headline ‘Morocco strangles Ceuta and Melilla: the 5 harsh conditions in Rabat to reopen the borders’. A strategy of which VOX has been alerting the Government of Pedro Sánchez for months while from Moncloa they limit themselves to praising the “good” bilateral relations with the neighboring country.

However, VOX insists and López has once again registered a battery of questions addressed to the Executive of PSOE and United We Can to say what is the dialogue it maintains with Morocco regarding the conditions that Rabat wants to impose to reopen the borders of Tarajal and Beni -Enzar. According to 'El Español', these would go through opening only one border crossing, leaving those of Tarajal II or the Chinatown closed, saying goodbye to the commercial customs of Melilla and ending the porting, as well as giving a new status to cross-border to that can collect unemployment benefits and control the migratory flow.

"Does the Government of Spain have planned its programming regarding these issues on the agenda for talks with Rabat?" Asks López. In addition, the Ceuta parliamentarian asks to know if the Executive has “scheduled meetings with Morocco on these issues” on its agenda.

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