• The data on alternative legal instruments to said extensions he cited in his speech in plenary and are requested both from the State Attorney General as well as from the Ministry of the Presidency

The Popular Parliamentary Group has submitted to the Congress of Deputies, under Article 7 of the House Rules, the request for the complete reports of the State Attorney General in which Sánchez is protected to insist on continuous extensions of the state of pandemic alarm but not
makes public.

The request for documents to the Directorate of the State Legal Service on alternative legal instruments that Sánchez cited in the parliamentary debate to
Requesting the already fifth fortnightly extension of the state of alarm is made both to the State Attorney General and to the Ministry of the Presidency, in the hands of the First Vice President of the Government, Carmen Calvo.

The text of the two petitions is the same in both initiatives, specifically: "Report or reports prepared by the State Attorney General, in relation to the
alternative legal instruments to the state of alarm, to which the Prime Minister has mentioned on numerous occasions in the plenary session of the Congress of Deputies held on May 20, on the occasion of the request for a fifth extension of the state of alarm in Spain ”.

The parliamentary initiatives are signed by the PP deputy secretaries Ana Beltrán and Cuca Gamarra, the Deputy to the General Secretariat of the GPP, Isabel Borrego, the deputy spokespersons of the Pilar Marcos and Carlos Rojas Group, the fourth secretary of the Table, Adolfo Suárez, and the deputies José Antonio Bermúdez de Castro, Edurne Uriarte, María Jesús Moro and Jaime Mateu.

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