The King congratulates the military on national and international missions by videoconference

Upon arrival, Don Felipe – who has not received ordinance honors, as prescribed by the current situation of national mourning – has been received by the Minister of Defense and greeted the Chief of Defense Staff and the Heads of State Major of the Armies, the Navy and chief general of the UME.

Next, he went to the headquarters building where the videoconference was held starting at 9:30 am.

Before the act began, all the attendees maintained a minute of silence in remembrance of all those killed by COVID-19, as well as those killed by the Armed Forces on duty.

In the first block of connections with units that carry out permanent national operations, the King has spoken with those responsible for the Operational Command of Mellilla, of the Spanish Army. It has also contacted the Maritime Action Ship "Lightning" as well as the Central Command and Control Group of the Air Force.

As he would do after each of the subsequent speeches, Felipe VI had a few words of thanks and consideration for each of the missions with which he connected, even asking some personal questions to his interlocutors.

Detachments abroad

In a second block of connections with operations abroad, Don Felipe, Brigadier General Marcos Llago, head of the Spanish contingent stationed in Lebanon, and Colonel César García, head of the Spanish contingent stationed in Besmayah, Iraq, have been informed by the Army. of Earth.

On the part of the Air Force it has completed S.M. the King the command responsible for the detachment deployed in Vilkas, Lithuania, where 15th Wing aircraft are located, on a mission to support our allies. Rear Admiral Ignacio Villanueva, Force Commander of Operation Atalanta, aboard the frigate "Numancia", has done so on behalf of the Army contingents deployed in operations abroad.

Operation "Balmis"

The videoconference has continued with a third block of links with units that are participating in the "Balmis" operation, to combat COVID-19.

Responsible for the participation in this operation of the "Galicia" VII Brigade and the NBQ Defense Regiment No. 1, as well as the Security Unit of the Canary Islands Naval Command, have taken part in the Army. Commander Manuel Navarro, who was the head of the mission of the first flight to China, aboard an A400M plane, to bring medical supplies to our country, has participated in the Air Force.

Among the units that have also participated in the videoconference, the UME has been led by the Technological and Environmental Emergencies Intervention Group and the Rapid Identification Laboratory, which they have contacted from Hall 14 of IFEMA.

Next, the colonel chief of the Royal Guard, José Manuel Salom has exposed the support of this unit to the "Balmis" operation. Lastly, the brigadier general, director of the Central Defense Hospital, Miguel Fernández, representing the General Defense Health Inspectorate, has closed the interventions of the participating units.

Hope and trust

For her part, the Minister of Defense has emphasized in later words "the infinite gratitude to the Armed Forces for their generosity in the Covid crisis". Margarita Robles has pointed out how they have acted with dedication and fully integrated with the rest of Spanish society, highlighting the recognition that all Spaniards have towards them ".

Beyond this specific contingency, the minister has also highlighted the gratitude to the men and women of the Armed Forces for the work they do every day.

After the interventions, Felipe VI has sent to all the military a message of hope and confidence in the future, as reflected in the motto of the Armed Forces Day for this year: 'Together for a better future'. "Although there are still hard and uncertain times," said the King, "together we are overcoming the most important crisis in our recent history. But we are a great country that always faces the difficulties of knowing how to overcome them."

"I encourage you to continue working side by side with the rest of society, with the same enthusiasm and determination, with the full conviction that together there are no crises that we cannot overcome." "Your commitment to society," added Don Felipe, "together with the professionalism and humanity that you have used in the fight against the virus, will remain an example and a source of pride for all of us."

After the videoconference, S.M. The King, together with the Minister of Defense, JEMAD, the Secretary of State for Defense and the Chiefs of Staff of the Armies and the Navy, have taken the traditional family photo on the occasion of Armed Forces Day.

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