The work of the Nature Protection Service of the Civil Guard awarded by the United Nations
The prize granted to SEPRONA and the Environmental Coordinating Prosecutor is mainly for four operations carried out by the Civil Guard related to fluorinated greenhouse gases
The work carried out by the Civil Protection Service of the Civil Guard (Seprona) has been awarded by the United Nations. The prize has been presented in Kiev (UKRAINE) within the regional ceremony of the Montreal Protocol World Award for customs agents and police ("Global Montreal Protocol Award For Customs and Enforcement Officers"). He picked up the General Chief of Seprona, Antonio Tocón, along with the Environment Department Prosecutor, Antonio Vercher, accompanied by the Spanish ambassador to Ukraine, Silvia Cortés.
The event is organized by the United Nations Environment Program "OzonAction", the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine and the UN Program for Development (UNDP) of Ukraine, has also taken place a meeting that is part of the Work Program of the Regional Network of the Montreal Protocol for Europe and Central Asia (ECA Network).
These prizes are awarded every two or three years after applying for applications worldwide. In this case, as in the previous two editions, the Headquarters of the SEPRONA together with the Coordinating Office of the Environment and Urban Planning have been awarded the aforementioned award after submitting a joint application.
The award granted this year to SEPRONA and the Environmental Coordinating Prosecutor's Office is mainly for four operations carried out by the Central Operating Environment Unit of the Civil Guard and peripheral units of SEPRONA during 2018 regarding the fight against the illegal gas trade Greenhouse fluoridates that deplete the ozone layer (HCFC / HFC):
- Operation Malvarma- Developed by the UAFIMA (UCOMA) against the illegal traffic of fluorinated gases from Spain to Panama and France.
- Operation Cheiro: Performed by the SEPRONA Section of Zamora against the use of prohibited refrigerants on livestock farms.
- Operation Kigali: Developed by UCOMA in different provinces of the national territory against greenhouse gas emissions.
- Operation against the illegal management of electronic waste and toxic waste, carried out by the SEPRONA Section of Soria.
During the presentation of this prestigious award, the representative of the Ozone Secretariat of the Environment Program of United Nations, Gilbert Bankiveza highlighted the enormous importance of having almost 2,000 police officers specialized in environmental crimes, as is the case of the Seprona de the Spanish Civil Guard, pioneer in this regard.