The Secretary of State for Tourism of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism has prepared, under the coordination of the Ministry of Health and with the participation of the sector, a Guide of good practices for establishments and workers in the Spanish tourism sector, in order that they can act on the situation produced by the coronavirus COVID-19.
The guide is a help tool to ensure activity in companies or workplaces and at the same time protect the health of their staff and their customers. For its preparation, the instructions and recommendations prepared by the Ministry of Health, the “Information Document on the coronavirus COVID-19” of the hotel business association HOSBEC and the Guide for the elaboration of the action plan of the companies have been taken into account against emergencies approved by CCOO, UGT, CEOE and CEPYME on the occasion of the outbreak of influenza A in 2009.
In addition to the basic general measures, it includes specific prevention measures in tourist accommodation (management, reception, technical and maintenance services, dining rooms, bars and kitchens, cleaning staff and maids, or children's recreation areas). It also contemplates the procedures to be followed in case of establishment or room with confirmed positive case, and communication policies and information flows.
This is an open document to which new information, recommendations or instructions will be incorporated depending on the evolution and expansion of the virus. The guide is available at