Holders of his speech:
The GPP spokesperson for Industry and Commerce recalls that the automotive sector, which accounts for 10% of GDP and 9% of employment in Spain, “has been the most penalized by the current crisis in the industrial sectors, both from the point of view industrial, as from the commercial point of view ".
"Is the government considering approving a specific support plan for the automotive industry and not including it in horizontal programs? Are you considering approving a Demand Drive Plan agreed with the sector? ”.
It highlights the "driving capacity" of the automotive industry over other sectors, since "one job in the automotive industry generates 7.5 jobs in other activities", and its "ability to generate returns on the aid granted".
He assures that “he has talked about trade, but they have always paid very little attention to him. Do you think that with the de-escalation process that they have designed
unilaterally, can retail confidently face the future? ”"Do you have a plan for businesses, hairdressers and so many freelancers in this country who want to reopen their blinds after this crisis? Yes or no,
Madam Minister? "“They have even forgotten our electrointensive despite the number of jobs and families that depends on it. We know nothing of the contributions we made to them from the Xunta de Galicia, Asturias and Cantabria. Where is the Electrointensive Statute, Minister?