El diputado del GPP en el Congreso de los Diputados, Víctor Píriz

Holders of his speech:

  1. After the obligatory recollection of the victims, the PP Budget spokesperson stresses that "the approval of this decree speaks of improvisation and contempt for the self-employed and businessmen."
  2. “They pass an insufficient measure the same day that the deadline to file millions of quarterly tax returns ends and they abandon millions of
    Spanish people".

  3. "Is it so difficult for you to understand 'zero income, zero expenses'? Were they planning to pay their advertising commitments by ruining millions of Spaniards? ”

  4. It qualifies as "indecent" "that the self-employed receive an SMS tomorrow saying that they have been charged the freelance fee for the month without having generated many or a single euro."

  5. "They have not yet understood the impact on employment and on our business fabric that this crisis will have and that it is our self-employed and businessmen who demand measures to avoid drowning, to reach unconfinement alive and to have some option of surviving."

  6. He denounces that "his economic decrees leave many people behind and his management of the crisis leaves an entire country behind." "It is impossible that they do not leave anyone behind because they do not directly look back, they do not look at their citizens," he adds.

  7. "The true social shield these weeks has not been the Government, without a known plan and full of improvisation, they are being our heroes in hospitals."

  8. The Spaniards "need certainties, they need security, they need trust, which is the opposite of what you and your colleagues are contributing."

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