VOX Almería has always shown its commitment to the rural world, since agriculture is the economic engine of the province. The Andalusian provincial and parliamentary president, Rodrigo Alonso, has started a new round of contacts with agricultural associations to know their concerns and the problems they are suffering in the Covid-19 crisis.
Alonso has met with Andrés Góngora, President of COAG and Eugenio Molto, Andalusian Member of Parliament for VOX and Spokesman of the Committee on Agriculture in a first meeting and then with Adoración Blanque, general secretary of Asaja.
In both meetings they have exchanged positions on the reform of the Food Chain Law, which has been one of the great achievements that the sector has achieved after the numerous mobilizations that took place at the beginning of the year. From these associations they transfer their concern about how the law will be implemented and who will be in charge of setting production costs.
Another topic discussed has been the way in which the crisis is hurting the sector and how the usual problems of Low prices, unfair competition and the entry of products from third countries continue to occur at this time.
In the specific case of the Almería countryside as the season started, they have not had much of a problem with the workforce, which has occurred in other parts of Andalusia, something that worries them for future campaigns. The associations have transferred how the Employers have shown a great effort and a great investment in security measures to avoid contact between their workers.
Rodrigo Alonso, who has always shown himself very concerned about the storms that devastated part of the province last year, you wanted to stay on top of the moment where are the grants from DANA and GLORIA and find out if farmers have been able to take advantage of them. The associations have explained that the requests have already been made and are awaiting resolution. They also tell VOX about their concern about the number of losses in the awarding of aid.