The councilor of Vox in the Santander City Council, Guillermo Pérez-Cosío, has criticized the grant of 23,249 euros that the Government team has allocated the Altamira Regional Association of Housewives, Consumers and Users (ARACCUA) to promote the Attention Office women and the information and counseling programs carried out in the municipality.

The mayor has stated that "of course we are in favor of equality, but what the government team is promoting is precisely the opposite: inequality between men and women through this type of subsidies and projects."

On the other hand, Pérez-Cosío points out that at the beginning of the month “we have learned about” the subsidies granted by the Government of Cantabria for the opening of offices of attention to women in different municipalities. In this regard, "it has caught our attention" that Santander receives 9,369.72 euros, an amount similar to that of Castro Urdiales and not much higher than that of Piélagos, "municipalities with much smaller population than our city" but governed by socialists and regionalists .

For the mayor, "it is already questionable" that there must be offices for the care of women exclusively, but that "Santander receives a part and has to pay the rest with money from the neighbors, it is intolerable."

Last week "we already denounced" the 4,000 euros that are allocated to the Sahara in the midst of the crisis. Now another item of 201,000 euros has been added to it for international cooperation in "developing" countries and "we again check" how another 23,249 euros are allocated to "expendable" projects that only contribute to creating "beach bars in whose bureaucratic labyrinths are they lose most of the aid ”.

"All this economic flow that comes from the taxes paid by Santanderians could well be used for a social emergency, now that Cáritas, the Food Bank and other social institutions are beginning to not provide enough to attend the 'hunger queues' that are they form in our cities ”, Pérez-Cosío concluded.

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