VOX will defend in the plenary session of the Cortes de Aragón a Shock Plan for the Hospitality and Tourism sector in Aragón. VOX in Aragon will claim that it is universally applicable, regardless of the size and turnover of the companies affected.

The VOX proposals in the Proposition no of Law

  • Suspension of payment of part of the capital, in the repayment installment of the mortgage loans derived from the investment in real estate affected by the activity, and establishment of aid to the rental price of the premises affected by the economic activity of hospitality and tourism. In both cases, during the closing period of the establishments.
  • Create new lines of credit through AVALIA, cumulative with those already created by the ICO, aimed at financing short-term operations of self-employed and SMEs in the sector. To meet treasury needs and tax obligations (VAT and Personal Income Tax and payments on account of Corporation Tax).
  • Make a subsidy available to the self-employed in Aragon, lost funds, equivalent to 3 months of contributions to Social Security, extendable depending on the duration of the closure of the establishments.

16,000 companies in Aragon

"The situation in the hospitality and tourism sector in general and in Aragonese in particular, in relation to the events caused by the spread of COVID-19, is highly worrisome," says VOX deputy Marta Fernández.

Who, he adds, "is a sector that directly in Aragon, through more than 16,000 companies, employs 40,000 people permanently, in addition to thousands of other people who do so on an occasional basis." The sector as a whole provides more than 11% of GDP and receives more than 2,912 million euros, only in hospitality. In addition, Aragon welcomes almost 4 million tourists a year.

“Aware that it will be difficult to return to normality, emphasizes Marta Fernández, it is necessary and urgent to adopt immediate and forward-looking measures, since in no case can it be ruled out that next fall-winter, Aragon will again be attacked by this virus". "The first is public health, but it will also be necessary to guarantee the sustainability of our economy and society," concludes Marta Fernández.

VOX will defend in plenary that measures and proposals are necessary to help alleviate some effects caused by this serious pandemic, and to guarantee the reopening and continuity of the hospitality and tourism activity.

A parliamentary commission to reactivate Aragon

The VOX Parliamentary Group in Aragon will propose to the plenary the creation of a parliamentary commission to reactivate Aragon. VOX deputy and spokesman, David Arranz, will defend that “Parliament is the most suitable space to tackle the social and economic recovery of Aragon. And to do it by means of a public debate with light and stenographers ”.

"Any debate that concludes with an agreement on sanitary, economic or any type of measures to face the COVID-19 crisis must take place under normal parliamentary control of those who have been elected by the Aragonese," said Arranz. "And not with their backs to them and with members that no one has voted for" he concluded.

To face the crisis of the Wuhan virus (Covid-19) VOX considers it necessary to adopt measures to reactivate Aragon. And that they respond to the health, economic and social consequences it has produced. This requires that the deficiencies and possible negligence committed be investigated. In order that the same mistakes are not repeated. Or be prepared for a probable second wave.

Social agents may also participate in this commission. And transfer their proposals to the different groups or directly through public appearances. But with full transparency. VOX intends to implement the measures included in the Decalogue Protect Spain. And incorporate all the demands that, marked by its realism, we receive from the Aragonese.

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