Vox encourages the citizens of Cantabria to go out this Monday with their vehicles and their Spanish flag through the streets of their city "Against incompetence" of the Government and its "Totalitarian measures" to deal with the coronavirus.
Ricardo Garrudo, Provincial President of Vox, encourages citizens to go out and show that "they disagree" with the decisions "Totalitarian and arbitrary" of a government "Negligent and indecent".
The President of Vox in Cantabria emphasizes that "Today it is Madrid that suffers the State of Alarm imposed by the Government"; but what it is about is “defend the Spanish people from the management of this government that ruins Spain ”. According to Garrudo, "The management of Sánchez and Iglesias leads us to a" health, social and economic crisis without any precedent. "
For Garrudo, "The incompetence of this criminal government is sinking Spain" and the lack of initiative during all these months has left our country "In an extreme situation".
"Citizens are fed up and deserve a government with the capacity to make decisions", declares Garrudo, who states that "Vox is the only party that has a clear alternative to the government."
"The Spanish can't take it anymore", Garrudo emphasizes. Therefore, from Vox they encourage all Cantabrians this Monday to do in the streets, of the National Holiday “A cry of Freedom”.