Madrid, December 2, 2020.- The VOX senator from Murcia, José Manuel Marín, today defended VOX's position on CO2 emissions in the Senate plenary session: “If we aim to reduce net CO2 emissions, let's not limit ourselves only to restricting emissions , but also to promote greater CO2 absorption through smart strategies appropriate to the reality of our country.

This was stated during the debate on the Law amending Law 1/2005, of March 9, which regulates the greenhouse gas emission rights trading regime, to intensify the reductions of emissions in a cost-effective way.

The senator has once again defended the position of this formation to comply with the international agreements already adopted, but "proposing them from a perspective adapted to the reality and the needs of our country," he clarified.

Lack of global perspective

The senator has been concerned about the "lack of global perspective" on this matter. Spain only represents 0.7% of all global CO2 emissions on the planet. For this reason, it has insisted on the need to absorb CO2 through support for incipient technologies such as CO2 capture and storage technologies. “Or through forests and irrigated land, so that we can convert the great natural resources of this country, such as the sun or the lands at risk of desertification, into an opportunity to make Spain a richer, greener and more sustainable, while at the same time we fix the population in emptied Spain and create hundreds of thousands of jobs ”, he recommended.

The senator insisted that Spain's CO2 emissions "are not so relevant as to condemn the entire economy to model transformations with a suicidal transition that causes unemployment, lack of protection and misery."

On the other hand, it has been concerned about the elimination of the review of greenhouse gas emission authorizations every five years. "We do not understand that the authorization regime is not reviewed as it has been until now," he explained.

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