November 16, 2020Jerez de la Frontera, November 16, 2020. – The local grouping of VOX Jerez proposes to the City Council from Jerez a realistic survival and recovery plan of the activity of the hospitality and of the Commerce from the city. Basically, it consists of the request of reduction of all the taxes that they can.
Due to the sanitary restrictions imposed by the Junta de Andalucía and other administrations by the Covid-19, the hotel industry and commerce, some of the sectors that provide the most employment in the city, are going through some critical moments for their survival, due to time restrictions and capacity limitations.
In fact, there are more than 10,390 freelancers in Jerez. From them, 2,500 freelancers have serious financial problems or are about to close, according to figures from ATA, the national federation of the self-employed.
For this reason, VOX Jerez proposes a battery of measurements support for the group of bars, cafes, restaurants and nightlife venues, in addition to those that can also be applied to businesses, among which are:
–Exemption from the municipal terrace fee in the remainder of 2020 and 50% bonus in the first 6 months of 2021.
–Bonus of the municipal section of IBI by 100%
–Garbage tax suppression to hoteliers and merchants in the remainder of 2020 and 50% bonus in the first 3 months of 2021.
–Extend a quarter all obligations citizens subject to term: taxes, fees, licenses …
-We will install the Junta de Andalucía, through our deputies in the Andalusian Parliament, to reactivate the aid to the projects of the Open Shopping Center to consolidate and promote traditional trade in Jerez, so necessary for it to work together with the hospitality industry.
Of all of them, we highlight the exemption from the payment of night watchmen or garbage fees, for him time they remain closed or limited business hours.
We urge that the Town hall center, as a priority issue, in seeking solutions to Commerce local, the decline in tourism and the fight against unemployment chronic of the city.