The ‘multicultural’ lights with which the Government of Melilla wants to celebrate Christmas have left no one indifferent. The complaints have been multiple, especially on social networks, and VOX Melilla echoes them, understanding the outrage of citizens that "the Christian Christmas spirit and a tradition with more than two millennia is being damaged."
From the VOX Melilla Deputy Secretary, Javier Diego, supports the complaints and highlights comments such as "Who is the enlightened one who invents that a tree symbolizes the Christian religion?" or "each party has its symbols and the beauty is that there is diversity, and not everything is mixed losing its identity."
"This local government of the left shows, once again, its sectarian spirit, mixing traditional feelings such as Christmas with others", criticizes Diego to warn that it is "ignoring the believers on these dates so marked for being the reminder of the Nativity of Jesus with the excuse of multiculturalism ”.
"This interference, gentlemen of the local left-wing government, is causing just the opposite of what was allegedly intended," says the deputy secretary of VOX Melilla. Diego defends that, although multiculturalism "has always existed" in the city, "what is not acceptable is that a new religious globalist order is imposed from the institutions." For this reason, he stressed, VOX rejects the application of this initiative "within the framework of these very important dates for a part of Melilla residents".