The lists of the Government Delegation Employment Plan have already been published and, as every year, the controversy has not been long in coming. Many Ceuta have denounced, through social networks and even the media, that another year they are excluded from this employment program while there are beneficiaries who are foreigners. A situation that VOX Ceuta denounces as unfair because it does not comply with the constitutional principle that “all Spaniards have the duty to work and the right to work”.

The training has always defended "that solidarity begins with the family, continues with the neighbors and continues with the community." "It never occurs to anyone to hand out those who come from abroad when their children and relatives suffer hunger and calamities," emphasizes VOX. However, he regrets, "our leaders have accustomed us to look out when hopelessness and need prevail with our relatives and neighbors, in our house, which is everyone's, and which is none other than Spain."

"Entire families depend on a single job to bring bread and hope home and on an employment plan that, originally, was put in place to alleviate the needs to find decent work that many Spaniards with difficulties had to integrate into the labor market ”, stresses VOX. However, the reality is that many now "ask perplexed why foreigners are given priority" when work "should be protected and guaranteed to Spaniards by the public authorities" and this is defended by VOX.

Faced with this situation, the training once again demands that, in the first place, Ceutis be cared for in these employment plans "without any discrimination based on birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other condition or circumstance prevailing. personal or social as established, without any kind of doubt, article 14 of the Spanish Constitution ”. "Afterwards, we have always looked to others, of course, but first it is essential to satisfy the primary needs of the people to whom we owe ourselves, among other aspects, because it is the one who has put us at their service", adds VOX.

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