The Municipal Group Vox in the Santander City Council has launched an action to continue counting on the contributions of the neighbors and that their voice reaches the City Council directly.
For this reason, the councilor for training, Guillermo Pérez-Cosío, has made a video calling on the people of Santander to contact him so that they can transfer any type of proposal or problem.
In this way, any neighbor who wants to contribute an idea or a problem can do so directly through their email (
Pérez-Cosío has pointed out that "more and more neighbors come to see us at the office or contact us through social networks to send us suggestions or problems that they encounter in their day-to-day lives."
Likewise, the head of Vox considers it "essential" that citizens "note that politicians do care about them as we do since our training."
With this initiative, from our formation "we continue with the project‘ We care about you ’that we developed in the municipal elections of 2019, opening our headquarters to residents so that they could convey their concerns to us."
"With this action we want all Santander residents to know that in Vox we are at their service without distinguishing ideologies and without caring about the party they have been able to vote for," the mayor has sentenced.