Deputy Llanos Massó registers a Proposal No of Law (NLP) to adhere to the manifesto ´More plural, freer, more equal ’, of the Concertados Platform
  • They demand meetings with the entire educational community and political groups to draft a new bill that has the widest possible consensus

The deputy spokesperson of the Parliamentary Group VOX Valencian Community, Plains Massó, has today registered a Proposition No of Law (NLP) in which it urges the Consell de Ximo Puig to demand that the Government of Pedro Sánchez paralyze the processing of the Celaá Law that eliminates Spanish as a vehicular language in educational centers in Spain.

Massó also demands that the Consell establish a schedule of meetings with the entire educational community and with political groups for the sake of draft a new bill that has the widest possible consensus, as well as the adhesion by the Valencian Autonomous Government to the manifesto ‘More plural, freer, more equal’ launched by the Concertados Platform, which includes concerted centers nationwide.

VOX insists that in the drafting of the Celaá Law there has been no consultation or debate process with the agencies, organizations and social agents affected. It is a bill that has been made with the backs of families and that restricts the freedom of parents to choose the education they want for their children, as guaranteed by the Constitution on respect for the democratic principles of coexistence and fundamental rights and public freedoms.

"This legislative project does not guarantee the ideological freedom recognized in our Constitution and radically violates fundamental principles and rights proclaimed and recognized in the Magna Carta., with special reference to the flagrant non-observance of art. 27.3, which obliges public powers to guarantee the right of parents to educate their children in accordance with their own moral and religious convictions”.

Massó insists the projected regulations clearly breaks the principle of unity of the Nation because it provides legal coverage for the absence of Spanish in the classrooms of Catalonia, the Basque Country, Galicia, the Balearic Islands and the Valencian Community; does not guarantee minimum hours of Spanish; does not attend the claims of the parents who defend themselves from this imposition of the regional language; Y ignores complaints from parents' associations who defend the right of their children to receive classes in Spanish.

Likewise, the initiative regrets the indoctrination in the classrooms Y that the subject of Religion be stripped of all academic value. Furthermore, this bill does not address the reform of Vocational Training so that it becomes a real and effective alternative to university training.

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