More personnel and more resources urgently for the Social Work Unit (UTS) of the Polifuncional del Príncipe. This is the request that VOX Ceuta makes to the Government of Vivas after having verified, in situ, the precarious conditions in which the social workers stationed in this neighborhood carry out their work, in addition to the worrying lack of personnel.

After visiting the UTS facilities and also where the Equal Project is taking place, the spokesman for the VOX Parliamentary Group, Carlos Verdejo, has shown his surprise because since his last visit, “the claims that the party presented in the Plenary Assembly makes a year are still unresolved ”. "The deficit of basic office supplies and furniture with which the staff carries out vital work such as social care seems unacceptable to us," he criticized. Some deficiencies that Verdejo qualifies include "chairs in poor condition and hundreds of files kept in diaper boxes for years, due to the refusal to buy the necessary filing cabinets." And this despite the fact that in November 2019 the Government told VOX that it already had the budget to buy the filing cabinets.

The lack of staff, aggravated by the termination of the contract of a social worker in the midst of a pandemic and who has not been renewed, means that users have to wait more than two months to be seen. “We are concerned about the fact that the waiting lists to receive the care of social workers last until February, so it is inexcusable that the Government does not increase hiring to levels that ensure the efficiency of the services provided by Affairs Social ”, warns Verdejo.

For the spokesperson of the Parliamentary Group, “this situation shows that among the priorities of the counseling are neither improving the working conditions of the staff, nor hiring staff to offer citizens a service that is already necessary, but more important if possible in times of pandemic ”. For this reason, it demands the Government to act urgently. In addition, he asks what has happened to the money that was planned to improve the working conditions of this UTS and if perhaps priority has been given to creating a new political position such as the General Directorate for Equal Treatment.

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