Acto Presentación Candidatos Madrid.


  • It denounces that "there have been very serious events" with the entry into Spanish territory of the vice president of Maduro, who is prohibited from entering European soil by order of the EU, "something that all member states have to respect."
  • Stresses that a government that boasts transparency, democracy and the rule of law first concealed the arrival of Maduro's 'number two', then denied information and Ábalos was building an increasingly rocambolesque argument, while Sánchez was not able to receive to Juan Guaidó as legitimate president of Venezuela.
  • “The disabled Torra has to leave definitively of all his responsibilities, he has to leave the Presidency of the Generalitat and, above all, Sanchez has to stop this nonsense and place himself on the side of the institutions. You can't meet Mr. Torra. ”
  • He criticizes the change of the Councils of Ministers on Tuesdays: “Does Parliament have to be submitted to the Government? In none of the ways, Montesquieu is Montesquieu, ”he says.
  • “When there are elections with a change in the Government and in Parliament, the first thing that will be done is to return to what should never have been changed,” because Parliament has to have the necessary work order to control the Government and bring the legislative initiative
  • He points out that "while some oppose the opposition, the PP will act responsibly, critically and at the same time constructively and forcefully," because you cannot miss the unimaginable spectacles that we are seeing in just 15 days of government. "We will explain to citizens that there is an alternative to a government that is not stable," he concludes.

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